Thug Muggers in the Sewer 11/26/22
Table Talk:
Very little table talk this time, It’s been a while so i think we were just excited to get back into it. I did note to everyone that i changed the shape of the Church of Shadows pyramid. I figured out that for the mythos of the religion, a three sided pyramid (one side black, one side white, and one side half of each) makes a lot more sense, so i am reckoning that to be how it is, and redoing that map.
Then, after a small refresher on where we are and what’s going on, we’re back at it.
“One thing I picked up from Dad: Always keep your bargains. He worked within the law and I didn’t, but the principle was the same. People will trust a reliable criminal more readily than a shady businessman."
-Jasmine ‘Jazz’ Bashara —Andy Weir, “Artemis: Chapter 2”
'Cause I'm back in the sewers again ♪
🎲🗡️🔔✨🌿 'Cause I'm back in the sewers again ♪
You all dust off your clothes after dismounting the hand holes next to the sewer pipe and hitch your gear back into place. The dim light reflects off of Ari’s new sword. The smell is… actually not bad, you think that maybe it was worse when you first came down here, but now it’s a bit like a work colleague you don’t see eye-to-eye with; it’s not exactly comfortable, but you’d miss them if they were out sick for a few weeks. Cypress gets out his glowing moss ball and ties it to his staff, with a few nods all around, we set out.
It’s the 2nd of Kythorn (The Time of Flowers) and in the city above, university wizards are stumbling through hangovers into class, parents are whipping chalked-flowers off the walls, and the banks are happy to be back at work.
Down here, Ari follows the little line she drew on the map, only in reverse, away from the sewer grate. We come to the entrance to the room where the Rust monster leapt out at us, and hesitate. Cypress pokes the moss lantern into the room and sees nothing amiss, so we all continue on our merry way… except Sorin, who is cartoon-sneaking along the wall, and falling behind the others. When he notices the light fade around the corner, Sorin runs to catch up, leaving an echoing sound of leather slapping stone behind him for any monster to easily follow.
As we meander down the hall, deciding who to check-in with first, Ari puts a hand up, her little thieves ears hear something plot related! We slowly sneak behind her to the source of the noise, Pulgork’s door! Ari shushes everyone as they roll stealth and perception to see what we hear…and no one thinks to roll an activated stone of farspech under the door (that’s just for my sick twisted joy as a DM taunting my players). Inside we hear Pulgrok’s croaking frog speech, and some new gravelly voice that sounds like 2 rocks being ground together until words fall out.
“It is time, they ₘᵤₛₜ bₑ ₋. `~"
“╠ ▓ {*-ink they can handle-.`ý∙∙∙ù”
“°° °°°°°’° °°°°°r if they can handle °°s °°°! °° °eeds to be done ñow!”
“You’re right, we need to get the new babies ░░░░░ matter how dangerous it is for them.”
As we all crouch, well everyone but Cypress crouched, with our ears to the door, concentrating hard on the sounds from the other side. We hear a snickering hiss. It’s on this side of the door. Before anyone can react, Akris shouts out, “HEY, WHAT’S EVERYONE LISTENING TO BY THAT DOOR?” and bursts out laughing.
Pulgork rushes up and swings the door open to see Sorin holding a snake by the mouth, Cypress looking tired, Rae twiddling her thumbs and whistling and Ari in an innocent ‘oh hey i was just about to knock what a coincidence’ pose.
Pulgork waves everyone in with hurried hand movements, “Oh, good, good good, you all are back.’ He croaks, “I was just talking about you.”
Ari, Sorin, and Rae look around the empty room in confusion.
“*ribbit* I have a job for you, and *nervous croak* it comes with a bonus.”
Ari’s eyes show dollar signs.
“Yes, yes, a bonus, and if it goes well I have a follow up job *gasp* We, *croak* that is to say the sewers have two Gelatinous Cubes that need to be exterminated.”
There is a pause here as everyone thinks about this for a minute. Then everyone talks at once. I’m trying to remember but i have no idea who started with what.
“Gelatinous cubes!?”
“Yeah right? Are you crazy, those things are huge.”
“I’m not dying for that.”
Pulgrok takes a step back and stutters.
“Well I do have to get a lot of money in just a few days…” Sorin says.
“Oh right the money”
“Oh yeah, how much money is it?”
Pulgrok begins to look panicked as the Thug Muggers start to crowd around him.
“Yeah, how much is this bonus?”
“And you said ‘bonus’ and a job, so you’re paying us for the job, and the bonus right?”
“You said one job but now it’s two Gelatinous cubes, so that means you’re paying us for each one-”
Pulgork is cowering now against the wall when some tension in him snaps. He stands up to his full height and seems to swell high above everyone. In angry hiccuping croaks he shouts, “You are employees of the Nibiru Sewers, and I am your direct manager! I offered you a bonus to be kind and this is how you react!? How much, how much? This is a job! An assignment! I have let you run free, but I contracted you, and the first time I have a real task, you do this!?” He begins to shoo the party out of his office. “You will go now, and you will do this assignment! That is your job”
As he shoo’s everyone out the door, Cypress chimes in, “You should be ashamed!” the little cleric says as he pushes his colleagues out the door. “I can’t believe you!” he says, slamming the door on them.
Now Cypress and Pulgrok stand alone in the room.
“I’m sorry for them.” Cypress says, “I really am trying to teach them, but it’s proving,” he sighs, “difficult.”
Pulgrok calms down at the apology and seems to deflate. No, wait he is literally deflating, his blue-ish face is shrinking a little and going back to its regular mottled green color. He stares at Cypress and lets out a sigh.
“I’ll make sure we get both of the Gelatinous Cubes dealt with. You said they are the sewer’s, does that mean we need to leave them alive?” Cypress asks with a ‘now that the children are out of the room be can talk business’ attitude.
On the other side of the door, Rae speculates on who Pulgrok was talking to when they were eavesdropping. “I mean,” she says turning to the others, “It had to be the Gargoyle right?”
“That he was talking to when we were listening,” Rae says, “it had to be the gargoyle.”
Sorin, make an intelligence roll for me. 19.
Sorin smacks his forehead, “Of course,” He groans as the other two stare at him quizzically, “The gargoyle. That’s how Pulgrok always knows where we’ve been and what we’ve been doing.”
“Care to explain?” Ari says in an impatient sigh.
Sorin explains (or rather i, the DM, explain through Sorin as a convenient mouthpiece), That some gargoyles can bond with the building they are attached to. Their consciousness can flow throughout the connected walls to sense what's going on, like we might feel a fly land on us, and look at it.
Back inside the room now. Clearly, pathology means a great deal to the bullywog as his shoulders drop and he moves over to the table with the map of the sewers on it. He points to two irregular shaped rooms on the map, both are next to large octagons marked “crypt”. Cypress steps up onto a chair to look over the map where Pulgrok points.
“These are the two Cube Rooms in our area. You don’t need to worry about saving them or holding back. These current ones need replaced, and if it goes well, that will be the second job.” He points to the one of the rooms marked ‘crypt’, “When you were in this church crypt, did you notice that the floor was just slightly angled? That is because of this system. The floor is angled to drain any undead into these cube rooms, and the cubes are like monster garbage disposals, they eat up anything we don’t want coming through the main sewer tunnels.” He points to a room on the other side of some mechanical rooms marked ‘hatchery³’, “but the babies are ready now so we need to get rid of the old cubes, and then guide the new cublings into the rooms.” He croaks. “But, before the babies can be let in there, we need to kill the old ones. We don’t need them mating uncontrollably, do we?” He lets out a ribbit chuckle. “Also, we can't let them get too big. For one thing, they’d fill up the room and couldn’t move around to catch the zombies. And for another, we don’t really know what they’ll do to the walls. I don’t know if they can squeeze through the tunnels, if they run out of space and I don't want to.”
After a few more pleasantries and promises to scold the others, Cypress says goodbye to the friendly bullywog and moves to back out the door.
Before he can, Pulgrok grabs Cypress’s arm and says, “Be careful, these things are bigger and tougher than the little vermin you all have been fighting so far. It will be a difficult fight, and you will need to work together.”
Cypress nods, and closes the door. Now outside the room, Cypress looks at his team with a scowl, then without a word set off down the hall.
Ari, Rae, and Sorin talk behind Cypress as the party makes their way down the hallway.. The discussion is about whether to check in with Bostra next, or go straight to the Gelatinous Cube. Rae is making a point about not wanting to deal with Bostra’s traps when Cypress comes to a halt forcing everyone behind him to stop. He glares up at the others, then without a word, opens the wall leading to Bostra’s room. With appropriately chastened and glum expressions, the others follow him in.
After dancing their way past the traps, the Thug Muggers open the door to Bostras room, and stop. Across the room, leaning against the barrel-table and apparently in a deep nap, is Bostra. And in his hand, pointed at our heroes, is a loaded crossbow. The arrowhead is a wicked broad head clearly used for hunting things as big as moose.
A panicked hush falls over the Thug Muggers. Then Cypress just grins, and starts walking into the room.
“What are you doing!?” Ari whispers in a panicked hiss.
Sorin turns around and hides behind the corner of the wall, then finally lets out his held breath.
Cypress walks right up to Bostra, and sits down next to him to rest and meditate.
Ari and Rae tip-toe backwards to the inspection of the hall and hide behind the wall corners. After some intense whispering, Ari pokes her head around the corner and in a quiet voice says “Hey, um, Bostra?” then ducks her head back really quick.
Nothing happens.
Ari breathes in and out a few quick times to psyche herself up, She quickly darts her head around the wall and in a normal volume says, “Hey Bostra!?”
Still nothing. Though Cypress can now feel Bostra’s arms shaking a little bit with suppressed laughter.
This time, ArI gives it her all, she turns around the corner, cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, “Bostra!” then ducks behind the wall and crouches this time just in case.
Still nothing.
Then we hear the sound of gut busting laughter spilling out of Bostra. Cypress opens his eyes and sees the illusionary magic image of the crossbow bolt fade away as Bostra relaxes his concentration. “Of course,” Cypress thinks to himself, “he’s a trained soldier, he knows better than to point a real loaded weapon at someone.”
Ari, Rae and Sorin sheepishly walk into the room and a still laughing Bostra waves them over to the table.
As everyone takes a seat, Bostra asks, “So you went up there to gather information, how’d it go?”
Akris flies out from behind Sorin’s back and recaps the last two days for Bostra like Olaf in Frozen 2.
After 2 minutes of undulating flying snake and sassy remarks, Botra just says, “I see,” Then takes a drink. “Well did you lot check in with Pulgrok, he was looking for you. I’d guess it’s fairly important if he came into these angled side tunnels for it.”
Cypress speaks up, “That’s why we’re here actually. Pulgrok needs us to kill two Gelatinous Cubes. I figured there’s a decent chance an old campaigner like you would’ve come up against some of them before, so I wanted to ask you for any advice on them. Do they have any weaknesses, anything we need to look out for? Pulgrok implied these will be much tougher fights than we’ve had so far, and that we’ll need to work as a team, is there a strategy that we need to use?”
Sorin immediately pulls out a small book and pencil to start taking notes on whatever Bostra says.
Bostra looks over his mug at Cypress with a you’re-alright-kid expression. He takes a long thoughtful pull from his mug and says, “He’s right that it’s going to be a tough fight. But, more over it’s going to be a very different type of fight. So far I think every fight you’ve been in has had several enemies attacking you, but none of them has been too majorly strong. You’ve all been able to basically do your own thing in a given fight, each picking a target and squaring off. But this time it’s going to be one big foe for all of you. Pulgrok is also right about the teamwork. In the fights you’ve had so far, the dividing strategy has worked and you’ve been able to do whatever you needed to to get the thing YOU are fighting. But with these cubes,” He pauses for another drink, “your actions might hurt your friends. There will be times where you won’t be able to see each other around the thing, and a misplaced spell might hurt a friend just as much as the Cube.”
Cypress nods and asks, “What about weaknesses? Do you know what they are weak against?”
“Fire and ice,” Bostra says quickly, “when we had to clear them out of the southern swamps we mostly just used ice blasts. Freeze a chunk of it, knock it off and smash it.” Bostra glances around the table. “But, you guys don’t have any ice magic do you?” He shakes his head, “No, I think your best bet is going to be fire. They’re weak against it, so it’ll usually do more damage than you might expect.”
Rae-the-tactician, is thought for a minute, then chimes in. “You said you knocked chunks of them off. Could we just cut pieces off?”
“That’s actually a very smart question.” Bostra looks mildly impressed. “Cutting pieces off will be hard,” he says, “it’s an Ooze type creature, so it can meld itself back together. It’s possible, but tricky. Something like a regular sword is likely to pass right through, it’ll cut the ooze apart, but the ooze will form back together right behind the cut.” He considers for a moment, “your best bet is probably to cut at an angle, sort of twistin as you go to keep separating the ooze. Even then, you’ll want to aim for corners and areas where you can cut through quickly, so it doesn’t have time to melt back together.” He pauses for a moment thinking. “You’ll also only really have luck with that on the first few attacks. See, Gelatinous Cubes get exponentially denser the further in you go. So the outside will be a lot easier to cut through than anything deep inside.
Rae considers this big new word, and then continues to something more important. “Will those pieces turn into more cubes we have to fight?”
“As for that...” Bostra trails off tilting his hand back and forth, “I can’t say for sure. There are a few species of Gelatinous Cubes, some of them will divide up forever, no matter how small you cut them, some only divide when they breed, and some never divide up, so any piece except the dead center of it is dead as soon as it detaches from the body. I have no idea what species they’re using down here, so I really couldn't tell you for sure.”
“What about blunt weapons?” Rae-the-tactician asks, “like my staff or Cypress’s mace. You mentioned cutting it up, but will blunt weapons still hurt it?”
Bostra smiles like a proud school teacher. “Yeah they’ll hurt it. You might not be able to cut it apart as easily, but they’ll still do damage to the thing.” He looks around at the anxious faces of the Thug Muggers. He smiles a confident grin and squares his shoulders. He takes a breath then, leans in like a football coach psyching up his team. “Listen, you got this. Is it going to be different? Sure. Is it going to be tough? Sure. But i firmly believe tat you guys can do this as long as you aren’t stupid ab-”
“Pfft, have you met us?” Rae-the-sarcastic interjects.
Bostra deflates a little, “Alright then, no motivational speech for you then. Go on, get. You have a job to do.” And he stands up making a sweeping gesture with his hands.
Smash cut to a few minutes later, and our brave heroes are aligning themselves in front of the “Danger” sign outside the Gelatinous Cube’s room making a plan.
“So,” Sorin says, “You two will go in first and focus on slicing pieces off of it, and Cypress and I will use fire spells to burn them up, yeah?”
“Bostra used that big word,” Rae says, “So I think it’ll be harder to cut off pieces the deeper in we go, so don’t use all your spells right away, we’ll need them when we get closer to the center.”
With that our party lines up (to decide the initiative order), and we head in.
Ari draws her shiny new sword and steps in, followed by Rae pulling out a short sword i completely forgot she had.
Before he walks in, Sorin concentrates on a new magical knowledge. He takes a bit of spidery goo out and rubs it between his fingers. His mouth seems to change, looking for a moment like a fanged spider mandible as he speaks in the agent words of spiders “รקเ๔єг ςɭเ๓๒” (spider climb). The goo flows over his skin and clothes leaving gossamer threads in webbed trails along his body. He rolls his shoulders and walks into the room.
“Alright then” Cypress says, and walks in after him.
This means the turn order is Ar, Rae, Sorin, Cypress and then the Cube which rolled a 0 on its initiative.
The room inside is a large open room with walls in a stair-step kind of style. To avoid any angles the walls are 90 degree corners stepping out wider. The ceiling does the same, every few feet rising up to a platform, then flat and another platform above it, like a giant staircase flipped upside down.
In the middle of the room is the Gelatinous Cube. It is ten feet to a side and has a vaguely green tint to it. Inside there is a faint thrumming light deep in the middle. There are also…bits in it. Floating bits of armor and handle of swords hover in what might look like empty air if not for the green tint and faint glow. And most upsettingly, there are bits of other things in there too. Rotting bits of arm, a couple mostly-bare skulls, and what used to be a foot, are all slowly dissolving in this suspended ooze.
Ari starts things off with, slashing the Gelatinous Cube with her new rapier. It hits for 9 slashing damage, but she doesn’t manage to slice a chunk off (a separate check i made for this fight).
Rae comes in next, swinging her short sword and…misses… It’s a 10 foot tall monster cube with an AC of only 6, and she misses… you know what ok, for narrative sake we’ll say her Sword hits one of those floating chunks of shield on the surface and bounces off. That's less embarrassing, you’re welcome Rae.
Sorin uses his Spider Climb spell and starts walking up the wall to one of the lower squares of the ceiling. He fires off a Firebolt, hitting the lower edge of the cube and doing 4 damage. Unlike other enemies, this giant using a wet cube does not catch fire. A small bit of steam rushes out, but no flames continue.
Cypress casts Burning hands at the top corner of the cube for 13 damage. Diedrik points out that the spell description is “a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips” and should thereby be usable to cut a piece off, i agree. A sizable chunk of jelly ooze falls from the Cube and onto the floor. When it does, a large plume of greenish acid steam plumes up from the outer core of the cube.
The Cube lets out a scream-like hiss as it reshapes itself to a cube. Then, two almost tentacle-like protuberances jut out of the top and spit a thick green acid slime at Cypress and Ari. The glob of acid snot misses Cypress, but hits Ari for 8 damage and some permanent stains on her armor.
Ari runs around to the straight side of the cub and sheaths her sword. She lifts both hands up in the same gesture as Cypress did a moment ago and shouts, “Watch out, I’m gonna try something!” She focuses on the image of Cypress in her mind, the shape of his hands, the words he said, and most of all the sparkling, crackling energy she thought she saw in the instant before the spell. She tries to speak the same words, but something does feel quite right. Her mouth forms instead to an ancient infernal tongue. Her mind is full of the image of Akris for some reason, but not as a snake, as a demon surrounded by hot roasting flames. “† ϯϙꞇϡѯՊ ƚ๏ϡᴦѣ” she says, as flames erupt from her fingers, it takes all her will not to jerk back from the spell. The flames shoot out and across the Gelatinous Cube, cutting another corner off with 12 damage and another burst of acidic steam. She pants for a minute feeling the raw magic that just flowed through her.
“Did you just-”
“No time for that now, talk later!”
Rae runs and leaps for another corner, bringing down her sword in furious slash. She takes a 3rd corner off the Cube for 9 damage. As the cube reshapes we notice that it is only about 7 feet on a side now, and seems a little more oozy than before (it is bloodied).
Sorin walks up the ceiling to another higher platform, now one away from the highest spot in the ceiling right above the Cube. He casts Magic Missile at the three cut-off chunks on the floor. One is instantly destroyed in a puff of angry green steam, one is reduced to half its size, and the last one takes the hit without noticeable effect.
Cypress considers for a heart beat and decides the wizard has a good plan. He whips out a torch and strikes it alight, then holds it to the halved chunk at his feet. It sizzles and squirms but evaporates in a puff of toxic acid steam and Cypress succeeds a DEX save to move out of the way and not take any damage from it.
The Gelatinous Cube turns slowly then in a lurch attempts to Engulf the nearby Rae and Cypress. Both our heroes are paying attention and step back in time to avoid being sucked into its greenish membrane.
Ari pulls her sword out once more and slashes the Cube with a yell. The jelly ooze feels thicker and the cut slows, not taking off any new chunks, but doing 6 more damage to the cube.
Rae runs over to the chunk by Ari’s feet and smashes it apart with a firm blow from her staff.
Sorin moves the center of the ceiling, at its highest point where he can survey the entire room with views in all directions. He casts another Firebolt straight down on the Gelatinous Cube for 10 more damage. The rising plume of Acid steam catches him and stings his eyes, but with a high DEX save, we’ll say he’s high enough up that it’s mostly dissipated by the time it gets to him.
Cypress swings his short sword at the now 6 foot cube. It feels denser now and he can’t move fast enough to cut a piece off, but the thing still recoils back from the 6 damage.
The Cube is much smaller now as it backs away from everyone into the middle of the floor. It has lost several of its floating bits as it shrunk. There are bits of bones and a splintered shield on the floor in its path. Now only a few pieces of unfortunate dead things float inside it, including a mostly intact skull. The skull rotates up to the top, then the Cube spits it out as hard as it can.
Sorin, make a Dexterity saving throw. 6.
Sorin clutches his ankle and his eyes go wide as he detaches from the ceiling. He flings his arms up over his face to protect himself from the fall damage. But, there is no fall damage, as Sorin lands up the belly button in the top of the Gelatinous Cube. Sorin is Engulfed. He takes 8 damage as the Gelatinous cube swells by about an inch healing by 3 points from its feast.
As he flung his arms up, his hand brushed against the Sending Stone on his ear. Everyone make a CON save as you all hear the squelching and gargling of Sorin trying to scream from inside the Cube.
Ari is next in the order, but she failed the save and is paralyzed with fear and oncoming trauma.
There is a brief moment of discussion here as Sarah asks about using her staff to pull Sorin out of the cube. You can absolutely try for that, it’s a good idea, but your Staff might take damage from the acid that deep inside. “Oh ok, he can die then.”
Rae reconsiders her selfishness, perhaps remembering Bostra’s talk about teamwork. She groans and thrusts her staff into the Gelatinous Cube , right between Sorin’s hands. The wizard grabs on, and she pulls him from it. The staff is now a permanent -1, but Sorin is alive and gasping for breath on the floor.
Cypress comes over to check on the wizard, but Sorin gasps, “I’m ok, finish it off while it’s still weak.” as he backs away from it.
Cypress turns back to the Cube and casts another Burning Hands for 5 more damage, bringing the cube down to only about four feet tall now.
As Ari gets back on her feet, the Cube spits another glob of acid Snot at Sorin, But Cypress steps in the way taking the 5 damage and saving his patient from more damage.
Now standing, Ari lifts up her sword, and swings it down in a hard and fast ark. The sword slices the cube in half and brings sparks off the cobblestones.
Sorin ducks out from behind Cypress and casts another Firebolt completely obliterating one of the two foot cubes in a billow of green steam. Ari is still shaken up from the trauma of hearing her friend suffocate INSIDE a monster and fails her DEX save to avoid the steam. She takes it full in the face for 6 damage and a lot of curse words.
Rae has had enough. She kicks out hard against the last remaining blob of cube…and gets a critical miss. Her foot is momentarily stuck in the tiny cube as it heals for 1 point before she pulls it out.
Cypress walks over and wacks the thing with his mace for 4 damage. (btw it would be dead right here if it hadn’t gotten that 1 hp from Rae’s failed kick, thanks Rae)
The now four inch tiny cube spits a tiny drop of acid on Cypress for 1 damage.
Finally Ari brings a boot down with a heavy thug, and squashes that last little bit of cube into a few tiny droplets, killing it and ending the fight.
And we leave off there. It's late in the real world and so we’ll pick up next time right here with the fight just ended.
“I tried to prepare you for the world. I never went easy on you, because the world certainly wouldn’t go easy on you, and I wanted you to be prepared."
-Ammar Bashara —Andy Weir, “Artemis: Chapter 17”
Table talk:
After the fight i showed everyone my notes from the fight to show a visual of how much bigger of a fight this was. When we fought the Rust Monster on the way to the surface, that fight was just over 10 actions. This fight with the Gelatinous Cube was around 40 actions. Giant Rats are a challenge rating of ⅛, and the Rust Monster and Thugs have been at a ½ challenge rating. You all are level three now, and this is a challenge rating of 2, so be ready for things to be stepping up with you, Huzzah!
During the scene with Bostra there was a brief discussion about Akris’s attitude and Sorin exerting his will to control Akris’s behavior as a familiar. We decided that Sorin can start doing this, but it will be based on dice rolls at first as he “trains” the demon spirit by exerting his willpower over his body. The first few times might not be easy, but it will get easier the more he does it and “trains” his familiar.
A note to the reader about this fight. I handled this Gelatinous Cube a bit differently than some depictions, but i stand by it. I am a huge fan of Science Fiction, and more than that, mechanistic fiction where a world needs to explain how things work (ex: “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir, “The Adventure Zone: Ethersea”, , Etc.). When considering a magical gel creature that does acid damage, the ‘made up’ rules like the increasing identity, the ability to spit projectiles, or the acidic steam produced by large plumes of fire, this all makes perfect sense to me. This is also why i didn’t use the Transparent tag regularly used on Gelatinous Cubes, I figured this balance out (also they already knew it was there). I understand though, that this is a fairly different approach than a lot of other DM’s of some of the prewritten worlds out there. I am curious to get feedback from other people, and especially any other experienced DM’s on this point, thank you. (Also, i am ashamed to admit that in my notes, i abbreviated ‘Gelatinous Cube' for GC and not G³, and i will endeavor to fix this huge mistake in the future.)