Summary 4/1/22
Just a quick side note here: these first few summaries were initially written as extremely brief play-session recaps for our group chat, BEFORE i started this as an actual story and blog. Please keep that in mind.
Thonk (Ashley) encountered a Giant Rat leaving the alley. When He turned in the dead rats to the dwarf, the dwarf grabbed and threw the giant rat carcass away and refused to acknowledge it even paying Thonk extra just not to talk about it. Meanwhile Rea and Ari were harasses by wait staff in the year for looking poor and smelling bad, after getting food with a little extra to go they went next door to of the most famous bathhouses in town, triggered a trap, and learned it was run by the same staff from the inn (clearly belittling people is her business strategy). After hearing the price list Ari and Rea left to find a cheaper bath.
Thonk gave up on the dwarf and went to find an in to rest after getting bitten and bloodied by a rats. He accidentally insulted the innkeeper but got room and board for the night. Ari got hit on again by a soap merchant but her and Rea found a public bathhouse and learned that bathing in these fancy places gives you a CHA boost. Ari also found some thieves cant scratched in the walls and while she couldn't read all of if she made out the word "MoleKing" Ari and Rea found the same hotel for the night.
In the morning the 3 adventures all woke up early and hit the street before the sun had risen, while the Gnolls we're still out. That's right, Gnolls all the players learned my (Kai's) personal beef with fantasy worlds making Gnolls into monsters and not the adorable trash hoarders they are in Terry Pratchett's Discworld and some older European folklore. They learned the Gnolls scour the town in the light hours picking up trash and maybe they know something about the MoleKing? It's heard to tell if you don't speak Gnoll. Thonk, Ari, and Rea joined up and managed to follow the Gnoll throw the streets as they got more populated with travelers, town folk and venders. Thonk got agitated hearing multiple dwarves calling out for "Meat on a Stick" and after getting some bread instead explained his adventure to the party. The party tracked the Gnoll to a well it crawled into like an adorable trash slug, and we left off with Ari, Rea and Thonk decided whether to confront the now 3 dwarfs (it was just the 2 brother before) or to climb down the well following the Gnoll.