Thug Muggers Escape the Sewers 9/17/23
Table Talk:
I gave Cypress the image of the Cult paper with part A solved. It reads “[monogram] He Will Rule!”
A brief reminder that i am kind of doing a “Diablo” thing with identifying Items that unless a character has a way of identifying them, they will have to be identified. So, someone in town or someone like Devin can identify if an item is magical and what it is, for a cost.
Rae/Sarah, remember that you are starting the day down 1 Ki point sense you used one in your dream to flip a table.
This session is going to be a bit different from a normal session. Basically this is an escape room. I have a couple ideas in mind for how you might get out, but everything is on the table; spells, abilities, feats, items, everything. Think outside the box, to escape this box i put you in. If you cannot find any way out, there will be a way out at the end of the session, but you might not like it very much. So i will have a clock going for that, but i think you can find a creative solution. Good luck!
“None of us can predict the final outcomes of our actions, and few of us even try; most of us just do what we do to prolong a moment’s pleasure or to stop the pain. And even when we act for the noblest reasons, the last link of the chain all too often drips with someone’s blood.”
-Steve Davis —Stephen King, “Everything's Eventual: Lunch at the Gotham Café”
Chapter 13: Escape
🎲🗡️🔔✨🌿 Chapter 13: Escape
One more time, with feeling:
The room looks as though a small war came rampaging through. All the furniture is broken and scattered around. A large desk lays in three pieces surrounded by wood chips and splinters. The two pillars are just laid out stone cylinders on the floor. We can see chunks of ceiling pushing in the corners from the holes where the dirt is showing through. An iron cauldron is knocked on its side with a thin brown liquid still inside it. There are parts of the walls and floor where thorny roots are poking out, before they were cut and smashed apart. There are a few crates surrounded by smashed debris that might have been boxes or barrels of even decorative chests, who can tell with only these little bits that are left. There are three rugs and two look to be burned to ash, with the third cut and frayed in the middle. Several corners have thick spider webs in them that make you wonder what spider could have made them. Entangled in one of these webby masses are the broken pieces of a gargoyle. In the center of the room, clearly mounted in the roof is a chandelier that now hangs at a shaky angle about to fall at any time, its thick arms are bent and broken at various angles.
This room is now devastated even further by more roots, vines, rats, poison, fire, and blood.
The ground is covered in charred and burnt Rat carcasses, all with vacant dazed faces, except in a clear circle to one side of the precariously perched chandelier. This is where the party has cleared away the raps to make a fire and to sleep.
The smell of burning Sewer Rats is immense and potent. It’s like if a… no, i won’t do that again.
Rae has cleared away the debris in front of a sewer pipe that could take us away... but it looks like something in the fighting crushed the tunnel.
The doors are still shut and we suspect they are barricaded on the other side.
The walls of the room are mostly intact, though there is a chunk missing behind the former desk where some kind of sigil was, now it’s just a few lines and a hole in the bricks. The safe is open and there are gears laying around next to it. The dirt showing through in the ceiling where the roof gave way has little rat burrowing tunnels in them from the minions summoned by the Rat King.
The Rat King is dead, long live The Rat King.
Ari starts us off by attempting to use her Thaumaturgy to unlock the door. It’s a cantrip but I'll still need a Spell Casting roll to see how it goes since these doors aren’t exactly locked, but they are barricaded. 4. Somewhere, far in the distance, she feels an unlocked door swing open.
With a low investigation roll, Rae is struggling to figure out what happened to this hole in the bricks behind the broken desk. She brings Sorin over to get a better look.
CSI-style, Sorin is able to look at the hole, the dent in the earth, the cracks in the bricks, the angles of the surrounding impact, and he pieces it all together. “There must have been four pieces of bricks here…” He mutters to himself. Then, like Tony Stark using Jarvis to reassemble an exploded car, he traces the trajectory of the bits as they would have flown away from the wall. “It looks like whatever hit here, broke them in the middle and when the earth recoiled behind them, they each flew into a separate corner of the room.” Elementary, my dear Sorin.
Meanwhile, Cypress is digging through one of the two mostly intact crates, and coming up empty-handed.
“Ari, look for bricks!” Rae shouts to her friend as she goes off to search.
Under her breath Ari murmurs, “Look for bricks? There are bricks all over. Every wall in here is bricks.” But she tries to peer past the giant cobwebs at the wall anyways, and thinks she might have noticed something on the wall. “Ooooh,” She says to herself, “she must mean, like the red bricks the Thugs use.”
Rae runs off without checking that Ari understands, headed to check the opposite corner… where she rolls a 2 and gets distracted looking at the broken pieces of the gargoyle.
“Listen, Akris, we need your help, we’re looking for broken pieces of bricks. They’ll fit in this broken hole, and they’ll have some kind of etched markings on them. I want you to dig through the stuff over there and see what you can find, okay?” he says pointing at a pile of rubble that used to be a bed. He gets a 17, successfully willing the feisty familiar to comply, then gets a nat’ 1 on the search.
Akris takes a good look at Sorin and bows over himself, “Of coursssse maththtter!” Then he screws up his face and rams his head against the brick wall. “I’m ssso sssorry, maththtter, whathth did you sssay? I sssem to havvve losssththt track, whathth with the brain damages from my ressent head wound.” And he snickers behind his curled up tail while Sorin sighs and starts over.
Looking through the other mostly-intact crate, Cypress finds a potion bottle. The contents have mostly settled in layers with a leaf on top so he’s able to piece together a couple possibilities of what is inside. With a quick turn through his mental rolodex of potion recipes, he has two possibilities. He gives the bottle a vigorous shake and when the bottle fails to glow, he knows for sure. “Hmm… a Potion of Speed, that should be useful, maybe I’ll challenge Rae to a race…”
Cutting through the vine-thick webbing, Ari comes across a fist sized piece of brick, caught in the webs. She cuts it free and notices the white lines etched in it. “Rae, did you mean like a brick with writing and stuff?” She shouts across the room.
“What? Oh, uh, yeah.” Rae shouts back, and remembers what she was looking for before getting distracted.
Ari throws the brick towards Rae and continues cutting through the webbing. At the wall now, she looks at what had first caught her eye. It’s a small notch cut into the stone in the shape of a keyhole. No wait, not quite a keyhole, like a double keyhole? Like a keyhole with a pin shaft on the up and down side of the bit maybe. She traces it with her finger and then notices the identical one just a few inches above it (12 hectares in metric).
Grumbling, Rae goes over to the pile of rubble and rats that Ari absentmindedly tossed the brick into. She sorts through the rocks there until she finds the mysterious piece of brick and heads back to the desk to try and fit it into place.
“Wizzzard boy! I’ss found a bricksss with esschings!”
“Awesome, good work, Akris. I’ll be there in just a second.” Sorin hesitates before going to his bully familiar, looking at the weird thing he just found. “I found some kind of crowbar. Well, like a crowbar but, like, with a weird key shape on the end of it. Kinda like if a key had a pin shaft on both the up and the down sides of the bit…”
“Let me see.”
While Ari heads over to Sorin to check out what he now insists on calling the ‘Keybar’, Cypress is digging through the bits and scraps of the broken crates. Rolling a 4, they carelessly toss a piece of wood aside and it lands in the upturned cauldron with the brownish liquid. They don’t notice when it makes a sizzling sound instead of a wet ‘plop’.
“What, no it’s mine.” Sorin says and pulls the keybar back.
“Sorin. I think I found where it goes. It might be a secret door.”
“Well if it is, then show me.”
While Sorin and Ari are fighting, the piece of wood starts to smoke.
I’ll be honest, i can’t remember how the fight got to this point, but it ends with Sorin taunting…
“Where are your parent’s Ari!?”
Then, Ari fails a Con save and immediately slaps Sorin across the face for 2 damage. She rips the keybar out of his hand and walks away.
Looking away after the fight, Rae notices the plumes of smoke pouring out of the cauldron and runs over. She grabs the smoldering wooden slat, and stomps it out on the floor.
Sorin stomps over to Akris and picks up the etched brick he found.
“Tsss Tsss Tsss,” Akris hiss-laughs, “You’d ththink you of allss people wouldss know bether. ‘Where are your parenthsss?’ Tsss Tsss Tsss.” He coils around Sorin’s neck and whispers in his ear. “Where are YOUR parenthss Orphphan boy!?”
“I guess they just had better things to do.” Sorin grumbles as he marches over to the desk.
“Ssshhhure… like polishshing ththere flip flopsss or painting murals on the insides of coffffin lidsss, or -”
Sorin yanks the demonic familiar off his neck and stuffs him back in his bag.
A little ahead of Sorin, Cypress is examining the broken pieces of the desk. As they turn them over, they notice some writing on the underside.
Back in the cobweb corner, Ari rolls a critical 1 on an investigation check, and just stands there holding back tears and taking 5 points of non-lethal psychic damage thinking about her parents and Sorin’s insensitivity.
“Did you check the desk too, Rae? It looks like there’s some writing here.” Cypress waves over the monk.
After flipping over the remaining pieces of the desktop, Rae can make out some kind of diagram. It clearly shows parts of the room and something marked where the safe was, but all the writing is in Bullywug. “Sorin, you said you can do a thing to read other languages, right?”
“Yeah, I can.” Sorin beams and eagerly casts Comprehend Languages on himself. The pupils in his eyes widen like a toad’s eyes and the unfamiliar blobs and dots of the ancient tongue-shaped script come more and more into focus. Slowly, Sorin’s magic eyes are able to picture the full thoughts within the words.
“It says,” he shifts around the flipped over desktop, “there is a secret door…” he traces the words with his fingers, “I can’t make out where because of the burn damage, but it’s in one of the corners…” he follows a few lines to a symbol, “and ‘Yu wull nuud thu twu luvurs un du bux und thu kuu undur du chunduluur.” He looks up triumphant. “I think that means the keys to open the door are in the safe and under the chandelier!”
Cypress looks into the opened safe, “It’s empty. Hey, Ari, did you find anything else in here?”
Ari quickly wipes her eyes and turns back to the others. “No, just the gold and the spell paper. No keys.”
Cypress is still digging around in the safe when his fingers brush against some odd shaped lumps. “Sorin, does this say anything?”
“Yeah it looks like it’s written in hardened glue. ‘Muvd luvurs’... I think they took the levers out and hid them somewhere else.”
Everyone groans.
Back by the spider webs, Ari slots the keybar into one of the holes in the stone bricks. It clicks. She tries to push it, but it doesn’t budge. She tests it delicately, with her sensitive rogue fingers and she can feel something ticking in the wall, but getting caught. “I think I found the door,” she says as she walks back over to the others, “but it will take the other keybar to get it to open.”
Rae uses her new Mask of the Tabaxi Ra, and casts Spider Climb on herself. She walks up the wall, onto the ceiling, and over to the chandelier. Rae, make a Stealth Check. 12. The ground/ceiling rumbles fainting, but it's probably nothing.
The chandelier is a central pillar with a large ball on top/bottom that clearly used to glow quite brightly. Around this pillar and orb, like an orrery, are a few smaller metal arms with strange mechanical linkages to other smaller pieces. Some are perfect circles and some are dots with squiggly tails. A few are different colors, and a few are now missing. The gears and belts are busted apart now, but we can see that these small balls must have twirled and moved in some complex mechanical dance.
“Sorin, this looks mechanical, you should come down or uh, up here and take a look at it.”
After a quick Spider Climb himself, Sorin squats down to examine the strange orrery. “It’s not anything with the stars…” he says, trying to puzzle out the meaning of the device, Maybe it projects shadows or shows relative amounts of-”
“That’s very interesting and all, but I don’t know if it matters what it’s for, we just need underneath it to look for the key, right?”
With a 19 investigation Sorin can see that there is no ‘non-destructive’ way this chandelier is going to move. The whole main mast is bent and cracked. When he goes to check if the gears were oiled he realizes they were well oiled… until two giant fireballs lit the oil like welding flux and fused some of the gear teeth together.
As Sorin and Rae talk about options for dismantling the chandelier, Cypress crit’s investigating the broken wooden gargoyle. The thing was smashed apart, but the cracks are fine and un-splintered. With a bit of work he can probably get this Gargoyle back together. Will it still have any life left? Only one way to find out! Play jigsaw with its corpse!
“Well I found one over there,” Ari says to herself, then she points to the other side of the room, “Maybe the other one is over there.” She goes over and starts digging through rubble and rat corpses. Then with a 13 perception, she looks up at the crushed sewer pipe. “If I was trying to hide something…”
Rae and Sorin have progressed through the usual stages of decision making, and are now at step 4: yell at each other to decide who’s right. Finally Rae gives in. “Okay, fine, you’re right. Let me just-” Then she runs to the wall and back and kicks at the chandelier before Sorin can stop her.
Make a stealth roll with disadvantage for me there, Raelle.
Sarah: “Umm… 3.”
Awesome. Both of you make Dex saving throws.
Sarah: “Okay, that's not bad, 12.”
Ashley: “Nat’ 20!”
The entire roof thunders and shakes. The rumble trips Rae as she goes to kick the chandelier. Losing concentration on the Spider Climb, she falls and narrowly catches herself on an orrery arm.
“What did you do that for!?”
“ME!? I didn’t-”
As long as you two are still yelling at each other, make another stealth roll.
Sarah: “19.”
Ashley: “7.”
And another Dex Save.
Sarah: “Woo, I got the nat’ 20 this time”
Ashley: “...2.”
When the roof rumbles again, Rae swings her weight on the chandelier, loosening it, and jumps to the ground, landing perfectly.
Sorin looks up/down at the shaking bricks of the roof, and loses concentration on his spell. He takes 2 damage as he whacks his arm on one of the balls of the chandelier, then 2 more as he falls to the floor on his back. The chandelier stays swinging… and then lets go and falls. It lands just next to Sorin and he takes 2 more damage from the same arm and ball as it that hits him across the chest. Everyone in the room stops what they're doing to turn and laugh. Including Akris, who comes out of the bag to jump on the chandelier, trying to push it down further on top of Sorin.
This could have been much worse. 2 damage each is not bad, considering i rolled a D4, a D6, and a D8 (18).
Cypress goes back to reassembling the wooden gargoyle and uncovers the last piece of etched brick. They bring it over to the other three at the desk, and then go back to their dead gargoyle jigsaw puzzle. He feels like he’s about two thirds of the way done reconstructing it, and probably will finish in a minute with one more good try. Huh, what an oddly specific gutt feeling…
Looking inside the pipe this time, Ari is able to find the second keybar/lever. She pumps her fist, “yes.” and heads back over to where she suspects the door is.
While Sorin is groaning under the fallen chandelier and Akris is laughing and jumping on it, Rae peeks into the broken off center mast or the orrery (i forgot that word while we were playing, so i’m drilling it into my head now as i write). Hanging on a thin copper wire inside the tick pipe, is a simple brass key. She plucks it out, laughs at Sorin, and then follows Ari over to the suspected secret door.
Now, with both keybars in place, Ari is able to move them. The two levers move apart in tandem, one going up and one going down. As they move, small cracks appear in the stone, widening into a rectangular seam. When Ari lifts the top lever into the seam, a faint light glow appears around the lever and outlines the door. The small keyhole is also revealed in the space between the two levers, when the stone there finishes sliding to the side.
Nodding to each other and readying weapons, Rae turns the key, and Ari pulls the secret door open. Beyond is a tiny room with a ladder. It’s no wider than the sewer pipes we’ve crawled through, just a few feet in a square big enough for a large person to stand comfortably. And against the far wall, going far up into the darkness, is a ladder.
Sorin spends his turn getting out from under the fallen chandelier. He makes a big play of “oof” and “urg” grunting noises while Akris tries to pin him down, but really it was just a small arm of the orrery, and it was barely on his chest. Then he looks around expecting some kind of pity or praise, but everyone is doing more important things, so he just goes over to the desk to start assembling those broken bricks.
The entire gargoyle is reassembled now, and Cypress stands back to take a look at it.
The wooden figure looks grown instead of carved, a child of this mysterious race of odd living statues that no one really understands. Its teeth are curved around its mouth like awkward tusks. The top fangs round in U shapes pointing back up, and the bottom fangs rounding the same in reserve so that they interlock with each other and stop the mouth from opening too far. The tiny bat-like wings on its back taper into the long spiked tail that wraps around its feet. Cypress can tell that there is still some semblance of life in the wood, but the cracks and breaks are stopping it from flowing. It will take some kind of magical life to bring this child back, and who knows how long that will last.
Brooke: “I want to roll a perception check on the ladder.”
For what it’s a ladder? Oh wait, maybe i should explain. So a ladder is like when you have a parallel or close-to-parallel rods with sticks in between them. See, you use it to ascend vertically by placing one foot-
Brooke: “That's just mean.”
I can see the confusion though, because sometimes a ladder does look a lot like train tracks going up. But see, you have to walk or “CLIMB” as we say up a ladder yourself. There’s no small train car that takes you up, those are called ell-e-va-tors.
Brooke: “I meant like where does it go?!”
Brooke: “h-”
Or i guess down, if you're looking at it from the top.
Brooke: “hOw FAr uP?”
You have no idea. It just looks like darkness.
While Brooke and the DM are having a sass fight, Rae goes over to help Sorin assemble the bricks.
As the first two slot together, a familiar shape emerges. It is the outlined indent of a single coin. They look at each other and quickly slot the other two pieces into positions to reveal Devin’s mark.
They eagerly slot the bricks into place in the wall and call the others over.
Rae places the coin against the imprint in the wall, and her hand stops before she touches the symbol on the wall, but she’s unable to pull it back. Suddenly her wrist is held in place by clawed talons holding them fast. With a 4 Con save, she shrieks in surprised terror and tries to jerk away. It’s difficult, but she manages to slowly pull back. When she does, she notices that the hand gripping her wrist is still attached, moving with her as she pulls. She steps back and another hand whips out from the wall and grabs her arm. This time she holds in the scream and keeps pulling when a third set of claws grip her. With a high Strength roll, Rae moves further and further back, but she trips on the long scaly tail wrapped around their leg. As she falls to the ground, the scaly hands pull away and suddenly two grinning heads emerge from the wall. The teeth part inches from Rae’s face and a forked tongue flicks out almost caressing her chin.
The sharp teeth say “Why hello, Rae, thanks for the help, those portals get a bit sticky this time of year. Getting the alignment right, the height of the nodes, the temporal vectors, you understand, sometimes it’s hard enough just making sure I don’t bump myself, through myself going another way in yesterday’s next thursday. You understand. So, what’re we buying?”
“Or selling!” the other head says, waving an admonitory finger at the first head.
When Cypress steps away from the gargoyle and over to the others, they lift their chin in a nod. “Hello, Devin.”
“Cypress.” Devin’s right chin lifts and nods back agreeably.
Rae unloads her pack or animal parts and goos;
Flail Snail Slime Glass : x3 = 10Gp x3 = 30 Gp
Flail Snail Shell Fragments : var. sizes = 73 Gp
Flail Snail Eyeball and Stalk : gross = 7Gp
Piercer Eyeball : still gross = 5 Gp
Piercer Shell : x2 = 1Sp x2 = 2Sp
Piercer Legs : x3 = 1SP x3 = 3Sp
Wretched Sorrowsworn Teeth : x5 = 10Gp x5 = 50Gp
Multicolored Crystal : 1 (keeping 1) = 3Gp
Mimic Teeth and Spines : x5 = 3Gp* x5 = 35Gp**
Total Earned = 203Gp, 5Sp, 0cp
* When Rae brings out the Mimic teeth, Devin hastily offers up 3 gold each, but with a nat’ 20 Rae can feel that something’s up. So she holds them back. “How much are they really worth, Devin?”
“Well that’s economics philosophy isn’t it, Raelle? They’re worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. And I am willing to pay 3 gold for them, so they're worth is 3 gold.”
Ari tries an intimation, and lets the fire come up in her eyes, “You WILL tell us Devin, or I wi-”
(Each of Devin’s heads have a +6 Charisma and he has other unknown enhancing items. He resists the intimidation easily.)
“Or I’ll have to tell you about what happened last week in the second hells? Or perhaps I'll tell some guards I know about royal lineages? No, Zevari Valros, I think threats are best left out of bargaining between friends.”
Ari meekly backs away and Sorin steps up, undoing the collar of his shirt. “What about seduction?”
Devin flicks his two tongues together and leans towards the wizard. “We can play that game,” one head says. “So long as you know,” the right head continues. “It’s not your body I want,” the left head chimes in. “But if you’re up for a little,” says the right. “Experimentation, ”says the left. “Experimentation, ”says the right. “With your brain…” the left trails off then, “think of it as.” “An out of body experience,” finishes the right head.
A small “Eep” escapes Sorin’s mouth before he shrinks back with a timid, “No thank you, um, Sir.”
** As Rae goes to put the mimic bits back in her bag, Devin checks his fingernails/claws and ponders over-loudly, in a dramatically sad voice “Gee, without such a return on my investments, perhaps I'll just have to stop bringing you skinning supplies, Rae.” He makes his own persuasion roll.
Rae grits her teeth, “10 Gold.”
“Devin’s right head barks. “7.” “Done.” The right head says and he hand swipes the teeth before Rae can pull them back.
Before Selling anything, Sorin spends 2 gold each to have Devin identify and evaluate a few items. When he hands them over, Devin carefully lifts them up with his third, middle, hand. That palm glows with a faint palid light and he holds it close to his chest. His two long necks arch up and over like the bumps of a heart and he stares intently at the object in his hand.
The crystal from the healing pond; can be used to cast a spell at any level (available) without using a spell slot = 25Gp SOLD
The brass bracelet; no magical properties, but decent jewelry, probably of sentimental value = 7G SOLD
The necklace with Orcish rune; basically a condensed Circlet of Blasting = 85 Gp KEPT
Total Earned = 32Gp, 0Sp, 0 Cp
And with that, Devin does his own Spider Climb up to the ceiling, transmuting the stone there to rubber as he goes. Then he bounces on them like a diving board, turns gravity sideways, and dives back into his mark on the wall where he disappears.
Cypress brings the Thug Muggers over to the reassembled Gargoyle and casts Cure Wounds. The magical healing light flows through the Gargoyle and we see the broken cracks glowing with the holy light.
It looks around panicking and wraps its wings around its head in a jerky stop motion animation. Cypress tries to soothe it. “It’s okay, you’re alright now. The fighting is all over.”
After a anxious moment where only the one eye can be seen peeking out from between its wings, the gargoyle head jerkily emerges. “Wwwwhere is de frog?”
“Well, um, that’s what we’re trying to find out, can you tell us what happened here?”
The gargoyle's speech is low and drawn out. “Deeee frog, he wait here.
“De frog he say he is waiting fooor friends.
“Din dee friend he come, but din he change.
“Deee notfriend, he attack de frog.
“Dere is big fight and dinnnn blackness.
“Now I am here.
He pauses, “Now you are here… and de frog is gone.”
Now Ari chimes in, “We’re trying to save the Frog, we are his friends.”
In a jerky up and down movement the gargoyle nods then tilts his head on one side. “You are here to save frog? De frog is not here. But, you are here… Perhaps you are bad at saving frogs?”
“Can you tell us where the Frog went?”
The gargoyle looks around. “He is not here.”
Sorin thinks back to the gargoyle in Pulgrok’s office that was connected to everything. He points to the nearby wall, “Can you tell us what’s on the other side of this wall?”
“We aaaarrrreee underground, yes? Sooo… dirt.”
“No I meant-”
“And rock.” The gargoyle looks at the wall and nodes again. “Yes, dirt and rock.”
Ari tries again. “That secret door over there leads to a ladder, where does it go?”
“Isss de ladder on de gound?”
“Denn, de ladder go up.” The gargoyle nods agreeing with itself.
After a little more of this they discover that the gargoyle can teleport them if they wish to go somewhere and in fact offer to teleport Sorin, “behind dee wall with de dirt” oh yes and “dee rocks”.
So we leave our brave-ish adventurers discussing whether to teleport to a street in the city (probably the safe option), or to follow the ladder up and maybe learn something new.
Zoey said' 'my god! Were you in an accident On the way home? Did your face hit a truck carrying some kind of horrible toxic waste?'
Echo said 'Funny you should say that. Because, on the way home I waved to you on the sidewalk, but it turned out it wasn't you. It was a dumpster, full of butts. There was a hospital there and that's where they throw away their old butts.’
-Zoey Ashe & Echo —David Wong (Jason Pargin), “Zoey Punches the Future in the Dick”
Table talk:
We actually played a bit longer and they decided Ari and Rae will take the ladder and Cypress and Sorin will teleport to the street. But one of us had a hard out and we got a bit rushed, so i’m picking up back here next time so everyone has time to make sure it’s what they want.
Maybe i need to make the ‘escape room’ idea harder. Actually, Devin could have been another way to escape, though he would have charged you, and his portals would not have been comfortable for your bodies or minds. The players quickly picked up on 3 of the 6 potential ideas i had for them, and while they had fun it didn’t seem like a struggle. I’ll have to make the next one harder…
Brooke also got some Lockpicks from Devin, but i didn’t have those stats out in front of me. So i will look those up and next week Ari can retroactively have bought them.