Zevari “Ari” Valros
Zevari “Ari” Valros was born to Queen Nimenia and King Igvis Valros, in the realm of Avernus in a small kingdom in the 2nd hell. Ari spent 12 years living in Avernus before her family fled due to a violent uprising. Her parents did not focus on raising her as an heir and tried to give her as normal of a childhood as they could.
Ari is an only child; her parents had intended to have another child, however due to the uprising and their displacement to our plane, they decided it would not be safe to try and bring another child into the world.
Once settled in the small county seat town of Kastenhrig, Nimenia and Igvis no longer had their titles and had to gain well-paying jobs. They got by, but were not able to live the comfortable life they had raised Ari in. As such, Ari also started working odd jobs at 14 to help her family. She quickly got bored with these mundane jobs and fell in with a local gang at age 15, who conducted petty thievery. She was convinced this was the best way to help her family get by. She was not good at it at first, and was often getting into trouble much to the dismay of her parents. However, she continued in the gang and rose in the ranks.
This ultimately led to an event when she was 17. Ari attempted to steal a weapon from within the city guard tower for the gang she was in. She was caught and thrown into jail. The lieutenant of the city guard had a particular dislike for Zevari and her family, and found this the perfect opportunity to try and rid the city of her and her family once and for all.
The lieutenant called the captain to take her mother and father into trial while still keeping Zevari in jail, all without letting Ari know of his plan. She knew that the lieutenant did not like her family, and tried to escape. She met her now-friend Raelle while trying to break out of the jail cell and stop the captain. However, Zevari was unable to stop the trial and fled the town with Raelle, not knowing that shortly after fleeing, her mother and father were exiled back to Avernus. She does not know where they are and if they are still alive.
Zevari is a 24 year old tiefling, with dark bluish-purple skin, long black hair that she keeps in a braid, golden yellow eyes, pointed ears that are pierced in several places and sharp fangs. She has long horns that are a blue-white color and curl back, and a long tail with small ridges running down it. She is tall at 5’10” and prefers wearing dark colors, and she always wears a cloak secured with a penannular brooch shaped similarly to a snake with a ruby in the middle, which was gifted to her by her father at age 10.
Ari is somewhat reserved until one gets to know her, and only allows friends to call her Ari. She is quite street smart but is still fairly book smart, as she had a tutor from a young age. Since the absence of her parents, she rejects any part of her royal lineage and does not want to be treated any differently from non-nobles, and does not disclose her royal status to anyone. She is fiercely loyal to those close to her, often putting herself in harm’s way to keep them safe, and is not afraid to break the law in order to protect the people she cares about.