

Personnel Assessment Report and Investigation Compiled by The RNSS



Born: ████████████

Position: Constable 

Rank: Sargent

Early History:

The child ████████████ was born ███████ in line to the throne. Raised in the top half of the Golden Sphere as part of the royal family, ████████████was renamed as Bostra on their 25th name day in a private ceremony with the old Crowns Alixanderiar and The Soul, Terranessa. 

They were first tutored by the royal scholar Draxis before his death in the Bogwa crusade. Bostra was one of ███████ royal lineage children sent out of the city that year to various academies. 

Bostra was sent to the Hallaorn Monastery in the Broken Saddle Gorge*. There they achieved middle marks in Druidic Magicks, high marks in Tactics, high marks in Social Enterprises, and high marks in Elemental Studies and Explorations. It was in the Hallaorna that they began their martial studies. They were quick to learn both the Druidic open handed fighting, and the Dwarven light-arm combat. However, Bostra was a slow learner at the magic-heavy dryad fighting, as well as at the heavy-arm dwarven melee. They got a high recommendation for a leadership position on exiting. 

On returning to the city after the political landscape had calmed, Bostra volunteered several times in court for military campaigns. As a distant relative to The Crown, Bostra was initially positioned to be slowly raised to a top commander, however, Bostra was frequently absent from war council meetings. They were often found sleeping rough with the companies in their command. After almost 60 years campaigning, Bostra was finally persuaded to take a leadership role as Commander of the Hollybur light infantry. 

In an episode involving a poisoning attempt during a peace treaty, Bostra achieved the infamous nickname, “The Beast of Nibiru” and was subsequently demoted and cast out of the royal family by The Crown themself. It is unclear if this was a ploy Bostra suggested and volunteered for, or an angry reaction by Alixanderiar in the throes of grief over the loss of The Soul Terranessa. In the scrolls of Draxis’s successor, Carvis, it is noted that The Crown was always close with Bostra, and that the Decree of Disownership is missing Alix’s personal mark**. Whether this was a lapse due to an suffering Crown, or an act of subterfuge by Bostra is still unclear. 

Bostra’s gender was announced and he was forever barred from a line to The Crown as a way of appealing the peace treaty. Bostra attempted to continue in the army as a citizen instead of as a member of the royal court. But despite changing his appearance, he quickly found too many people in military circles only saw him only as “The Beast”. After reaching the rank of Lieutenant in the Battle of Freight Harbor (due to a field promotion and experience in combat with druid elemental magicks), he retired from the army.

* a Dryad-run academy, and a common school for dark-elves, and dwarven royalty

** see scroll number ninety-two of “Family Affairs in the Upper Palace” in the royal cliff archives

City Personnel History:

Under the ruling of the new (and current at time of writing) Crown of Nibiru, Samanthuel, Bostra was invited to the Police Watch Nibiru. 

Bostra served with honor and distinction during the invasion of Bogwa (the last major siege on the city) in the year of the Golden Bat*. After the siege, Bostra was awarded the Shield of Valor for his acts of bravery; stepping into the fray unasked and single-handedly leading the cut off charge that cleared a section of the city wall above the gates. He was also awarded the Medal of Berries** for continuing to ask parley and seek peaceful resolutions throughout the siege***. Because of all this Bostra was promoted to captain of the watch. 

For 22 years he led the western watch house, becoming known in the community for his light hearted jokes, and forgiving nature. 

In the Watch Bombings of 746.8 he earned the emergency rank of Captain in Command. This was due to the death of several high-ranking officers****. 

After the bombing, Bostras was put on the Council for the Reformation of the Policing Forces*****. When the police watch was rebuilt into the modern Constabulary, Bostra was there as one of the ‘Famous 5’ first captains. In the coming months he earned a second Medal of Berries, as well as the honorable ‘Light of the People’ award for his direct involvement with the people of the city and for seeking to make understanding root criminal causes part of The Constabulary.

Classified documents later revealed that during the reformation Bostra was appointed onto the secret task force, The Royal Police Spies†. 

Bostra was Imprisoned and tried at a marshal hearing after his infiltration of the Eastern Farm Tirad. The target, Jerrok Nash also known as ‘The Sickle’ managed to escape in circumstances that implicated Bostra as a traitor. During the hearing, Bostra maintained his innocence, but also maintained Jerrok’s innocence. Bostra claimed Jerrok was a good man who was only trying to protect his family farm when the situation spiraled wildly out of control. After The Lukexiano Triplets were found, Jeerok and Bostra’s innocence was proven, and Bostra was released.

In the Royal Police Spy’s next operation, Bostra earned the short lived nickname “The Ruthless Fist” within the crime world of Nibiru for his single handed execution of Anti-Gnome Terrorist, Bargron ClubFist. The Royal court saught and punish Bostra for this action behind closed door, and the ████████████████████████████████████████████████ Is there by off record with ████ on end.

The last action by the Royal Police Spies, before they were outed to the public, and dismantled†* ended in Bostra’s demotion again to Lieutenant. As further punishment, Bostra was assigned to only beat patrols and clerical work. This was a direct result of Bostra’s second trial , led by the – now banished – former commander of the constabulary Tetriek Warsaw†**, where he once again was questioned about his involvement with the infamous leader, Misunderstood Jerry, and he – once again – expressed concern that Jerry was a victim deserving of pardon.

Early in the year of the Stubborn Goat†*** during the Firestarter crime spree led by the mastermind known only as “Matchstick”, Bostra was demoted again. This last trial was notable here, as it was also led by Tetriek Warsaw. During the trial, Bostra became violent when Tetriek announced to the Crown, “Of course he sees them as equals, what else would you expect from ‘THE BEAST’!” After three guards had detained Bostra and the barristers dock was repaired, the trial was continued without him present some days later. Largely due to this outburst, and the imploring of respectic community leaders who had worked with him and vouched for him, Bostra was demoted again, but only to sergeant.

Bostra has kept this position for several years now, earning immense respect among both constables and civilians. He has now turned down five attempts to promote him, saying, “I make a better difference here on the ground.” Also worth noting here, is that Bostra has regularly assigned himself to what the constable staff refer to as “Shit Detail”. This is to say that he volunteers regularly to take tasks that many constables and officers would see as punitive, or attempt to avoid. He has been a registered guard for accompanying caravans in city transports, dealt with legal complaints from angry nannies, and regularly volunteers for stake outs.

* Mark 730.91 in the common druidetic rock cycle calendar of the region

** a royal distinction of honor for upholding the values of the city

*** see “Dishonor in Battle; Tactics that Saved Lives” by Gen. Vickum Cavrati

**** It is worth noting here that these officers were personal friends of Bostra and it is believed his self isolation began after their deaths.

***** see, XVII “Watch Post Bombings; The Destruction and Restoration of Law in Nibiru” by Monk Affron Saggent

† an agency meant to infiltrate / apprehend crime guilds and syndicate groups before another incident like the Watch Bombings could occur

†* see “Out in the Light: A Published Collection of Essays in Pursuit Against Secret Police” by professor J. L. M. W Witherslyman

†** see, XXVI “The failed military Coup of the Nibiru Constabulary” by Monk Affron Saggent

†*** Mark 758.2 in the common druidetic rock cycle calendar of the region

Contact and Reason for Investigation:

Our department was contacted by the Royal Cofferer, Jeppry Jiggins, when several of Bostra’s payments went missing. They were neither deposited in any of the registered city banks, or cashed under his name. Due to his previous involvement with crime syndicates, as well as his penchant for solo work, we began tailing him immediately and investigating all of his finances in secret. 

— For any future investigators — Know that Bostra has so far identified and confronted five of the seven agents we had tracking him.

Detail Findings:

Bostra maintains a room in a shared house off of Packsville Street. His ‘room’ is the unfinished attic and is spartan and bare, an urban camp. It seems his most expensive positions are some D. Walter tools and some top quality Coalguy camp gear. He sleeps in a beam-to-beam hammock and has 2 travel trunks in his ‘room’ along with the large camp-pack he often has with him. 

Most of his diet seems to be from the ration packs MARE’s (meals almost ready to eat) which he buys in bulk from an old friend who is still a caravaner for the army. It is unclear after two interviews if this is a result of an alchemical addictive dependency, or their low cost point. [I personally feel it is worth having the royal alchemist or physiognomist assess these meals for a health risk.]

After seeing these near-squalid living conditions we considered this investigation top-priority as they could signal an imminent move by a violent party [I hope this explains our budget increase in this matter]. As such, we immediately turned his financial records over to The Dark Accountant. 

During this time we also found that Bostra was using every University Token* available to him from the constabulary. At first we were concerned by his constant attempts to recruit other costables to go with him to these lectures, fearing he was attempting to build an internal army. 

After four months of observations we believe this is not the case. Firstly, he is regularly turned down by these officers, and second he seems to genuinely pay attention to the lectures and participate in the seminars. However, to date, Bostra is the only watch officer to have used more than 200 of these tokens, and I am told the clerks have stopped keeping record of his tokens. 

The Dark Accountant was able to trace the missing funds to several donations made to The Military Barracks Pensioner’s Fund, The Memorial Old Timers Widow Fund, the Children of Invasions Orphanage, and the Upright Coffins Fund for the Undead in Battle. It seems these donations have been made in secret for years all under the anonymous name “Artsob”. To this point, Bostra seems to have donated 175,625g 8s 2c to these organizations, which very nearly matches the Cofferers initial auditing concerns. 

He still salutes a miniature crown and berries in the mornings. One of the tails we had reportedly saw Bostra in a local bathhouse and noticed Bostra still wears the 2 Medal of Berries pendants under his tunic and we suspect that the Light of the People award is in the camp bag he keeps readily on hand.

* a program Bostra himself brought to the table during the reformation allowing constables to attend university lectures and seminars in order to further their education and “exercise their minds”

Final Summary:

It is the opinion of this investigation that the Gnome Sergeant Bostra, (at highest, Battlefield Commander General Bostra, “The Beast”, “The Ruthless Fist”, “Light of Westcamp”, “Pan of the People’s Alley”) is a home-loving countryman and patriot. It seems his missing pay is due to a sense of honoring his fallen soldiers and their families. 

— Personally I believe his charity is a direct result of being raised under The Crown which has sought so much to care for the citizenry.

Closing Status:

As leader of this review, I, Master ███████ █████████, state clearly and officially that Bostra, formerly ████████████ of the Crown family, is of no threat.

Further Action:

◇ Assignation 

◇ Imprisonment 

◇ Trial 

◇ Banishment 

◇ Further Observation 

◈ Commendation 

◈ Other:

______I suggest a PRIVATE awarding of the “Steam Rope” to Bostra for his continuing good and private works for the betterment of the city and its people._________________________________________________


Disclosure audience:

Crown, Cofferer, Records .


By means of:

Hand delivery in private meeting


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The City of Nibiru


Thug Muggers in the City 9/25/22