
Expert from “Wonderful Wanderings: Diary of the Traveler Ccysol”,


Not much is known about this back-and-under-alley trader. 

Devin’s mark can be found all over the city carver in walls and fixtures. When a coin of any denomination is placed in the circle of his mark the coin vanishes and in a puff of smoke he appears. 

Devin is one of the Lizardfolk but unlike any other Lizardfolk I’ve seen, the merchant has two heads, three arms and two tails. He is certainly distinctive among his race. At some mark over seven feet tall, Devin usually strikes an imposing figure, but he is often seen posed at bent angles and curves, usually with his arms gripping onto nearby walls. I once asked why he is always poised in such upsetting ways. He told me that some people are intimidated by his height, so he bends around lower to put them at ease. At first I didn’t think Devin understood how disturbing these contortions are to look at. Maybe it’s a Lizardfolk joke, since his other head was quietly laughing, but I have begun to suspect the upsetting aspect of these postures is intentional. Perhaps it is a means of distracting his customs and keeping them unbalanced. 

He always has a large pack over his shoulder, and a bulging pouch around his waist. These seem to contain a mix of daily wares and items bought off of others around the city. 

As for trade, his two heads each have a function, as he is fond of saying “one for buying, and one for selling”. 

When it comes to selling, I have always found his prices to be reasonable, keeping a rotation stock of various odds and ends on him at all times. He usually sells by 1 coin over the average market value (a knife for 11 copper instead of 10 copper, a bottle of wine for 9 silver instead of 8 silver, etc.), but then again no one else will sell in all of the strange places Devin is known to do business. 

Another oddity is his willingness to acquire nearly any item when asked. He always requires payment upfront (market value plus 3 coins) and takes a day to bring back the items (sometimes longer with rarer items) but he is always reliable. I have no idea where Devin gets his wares, perhaps there is a back room of shady dealers I haven’t found yet, or perhaps he has a buried cache hidden somewhere. I have tried a few tests of my own, but have never been able to stump him. I once asked him for a red and blue daffodil in the middle of the month of Deepwinter, he laughed and said “Two days, Ccysol, but you’ll have to try harder than that.” 

In terms of buying, I've found Devin is never very picky. If you are just looking to unload a bunch of random items you’ve found he’ll buy it all for 3 copper a piece. My best guess is he sells it to the Gnolls and other scavengers. You can also sell him pieces individually for a closer to market value, but personally I don’t think it’s worth the time to haggle over every little thing. 

I have also found his research on the market invaluable. Any time I’ve brought him an unknown item or something of changing value like magical components or materials from my wanderings, he seems to have a standing offer: 

“I’ll buy it for 1 silver now, maybe mm good, or maybe mm bad, but you’ll never know. Or I’ll search the market and bring you a firm price tomorrow, maybe mmm more, or maybe mmm less, but I won’t negotiate once I have a price tomorrow.” I’ll admit, more than once I’ve regretted not just going for the silver coin. But then again, just as often I’ve made out well with the next day’s price.

On a personal note I find Devin to be a remarkable character, quick to laugh, and smart as a whip. It takes time to get on his good side, and it seems the more I barter and haggle with him the more he likes me. Though his near erotic fetish for puns can be a bit off putting.

A picture of the original notes on Devin from my DM notes

A picture of the original notes on Devin from my DM notes


Summary 6/4/22


Summary 5/29/22