“Greetings, traveler!”
Familiar TTRPG’s: PathFinder, D&D (3.5, and 5e), D&D Avd 2nd, GURPS lite, Fate. Lasers and Feelings
… You enter a dungeon, a basement, smelling of warm clothing and stale cola. Your shoes slap loudly on the tile floor. With a 14 you hear distant laughter, chaotic and just a bit cruel. The laughter quiets as you approach the door. You swallow hard, and slowly, you push the door open.
Says the man sitting behind the table. There is paper everywhere and stacks of books. His friends turn to look at you and a curious twelve-sided dice clatters to the floor.
It should be no surprise that RPG’s are a favorite past time for me. I’ve even done a few small talks on running campaigns. Before roll20 and some of the new sites, I made maps in CAD and moved player icons around, and before that I had several dry erase boards covered in worlds, duct-tape grids, and stats. GM-ing has always been a natural fit for me, but I’ve also enjoyed being several PC’s from a tiny pick-pocketing druid with a squirrel army, to a half minotaur barbarian who wants to help.
Cat, Thug, and Giant Centipede miniature

A test map

Parts of a maze dungeon remade in rpg map 2
Setting miniatures

An example of a map system drawn up in college using Autocad

An example of a map system drawn up in college using Autocad
A collection of story dice, mainly used in GMing

A collection of various dice, mainly used in GMing

Magic Cards

Glumble the barbarian

A test map

An example of a dry-erase map used in game

Parts of a maze dungeon

An example of a dry-erase map used in game

Parts of a maze dungeon remade in Autocad

Parts of a maze dungeon remade in Dungeon Scrawl

Parts of a maze dungeon remade in Dungeon Draft

Impromptu Hnefatafl game at a diner

Impromptu Hnefatafl game at a diner

An example of a map system drawn up in college using Autocad

An example of a map system drawn up in college using Autocad

A collection of dice.
Leather Hnefatafl game
Leather Hnefatafl game
Leather Hnefatafl game
Wall of model shield designs for game pieces
Wall of model shield designs for game pieces

A wooden Chess board

A leather Chess board

Large dice gag

Medium dice bag

Medium dice bag

Wooden Hnefatafl board

Wooden Hnefatafl board

Wooden Tic-Tac-Toe board

Wooden Senet board

An example of a map system drawn up in college using Autocad

A custom monster table for a modified game

A cribbage board made to fold out of a mint-tin
A collection of story dice, mainly used in GMing

Leather chess game

Leather chess game

Henry The Panda-Sheep

Part of a dungeon

Interior of a town wall guard post

Parts of a maze dungeon

Parts of a maze dungeon

Bob the human fighter

Beta testing a RPG spell making game

The start to a dungeon (1997 Diablo inspired)

Parts of a dungeon

A temple/shrine map

A small map of a large town

Start of a crypt dungeon

A Sewerage battle area

An example of a dry-erase map used in game

Parts of a crypt dungeon

A church/temple

A starting bar with basement quest

DM cheat-sheets used to keep track of NPC's during quests

DM cheat-sheets used to keep track of Monsters during quests

The finale to a dungeon (1997 Diablo inspired)
Cat miniature

Parts of a maze dungeon remade in Inkarnate
Giant miniature

Tokens for TTRPG campaign

"Nightmare" Spider Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Skull Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Skull Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Skull Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Various Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Gate Tokens for TTRPG campaign

Tokens for TTRPG campaign in play

Found plot scroll

Found page of raunchy diary

Found page of raunchy diary
Painted miniatures
Painted miniatures
Painted miniatures and tokens
Painted tokens
Painted skull miniatures
Rust Monster Miniature
Rust Monster Miniature

Rust Monster Miniature
Rust Monster Miniature
Painted scenery miniatures (3d printed)
Painted miniatures

Painted tokens (3d printed)