Blacksmithing, Tool and Knife Making

I’ve been blacksmithing off and on since 2011. In those ten years, I’ve done reenactment shows, Ren Faires, BSA Events, team building, public, and private classes.

I’d still consider myself a journey blacksmith since I have not made smithing a mainstay of those ten years, but I have learned and grown far beyond an early student. I’ve worked with and learned under Mark Miskell (RampantWolf Forge), Dr. Kevin Miller (UNK Professor), Josh McIntyre (Razor's Edge Knife Works), Aaron Jaminet, Bruce Norris, and several others throughout the years.

Though knife-making will always draw in a crowd, my biggest joy and skill has always been in detail work, decorations, wall hangings, railings, etc. along with everyday items which are always my focus.




Welding / Metal