Raelle Woodmaker


Deep in a canyon there lies a giant tree, atop this tree there is a monastery. In this monastery there is a new wood elf born to the head monks Carden and Cien Woodmaker. The name they decided on was Raelle or "Rae" as everyone came to know her by. Rae grew up as an only child destined to take over as head monk someday. The Woodmaker family came from a long line of great monks. Naturally there were high hopes for the new elf. 

While she had no problem picking up the martial arts training physically. Mentally was a different story. Rae might possibly have some anger issues. Just don't bring them up. That naturally causes some issues between her and her father. Mostly when on missions to the nearby village they would go and help. Most of them would start with woodworking and making furniture for the towns people. But most usually ended in a circus act or fist fights. Rae couldn't understand why the former was just as bad as the later. To her the towns people loved watching her jump around and preform. But something about "that's not how we should be acting" blah blah blah is usually the lecture she heard after. 

One day, while helping fix the fence of the local cattle farm. Rae was struggling getting the wooden fence post to be stable in the ground. Her best friend Shay, an orphan who was adopted by the monastery at an early age, came over to help. While they were working on this together the group that Rae would usually get into scuffles with showed up. Yelling something about who let "Woodbreaker" touch the fence. While personal insults never bothered Rae that much, it was that they also started insulting her friend for helping. Which naturally turned into another first fight. This time Rae was told there would be a meeting the next morning with her father. But Rae took that as for sure getting kicked out so in the night before, she decided to leave and eventually head towards the city.

The Child scene of Raelle’s backstory is HERE.

The Adolescent scene of Raelle’s backstory is HERE.


She makes her way to the door. As she lays her hand on the knob she hears a voice 

How could you just leave us?!"

Her hand falls off the door with a soft sound. She turns to look into the tear filled eyes where the question had came from. 

Rae takes a deep breath and says "They are going to kick me out anyway, what does it matter?"

"You don't know that! It matters to me!" 

"It doesnt matter, I dont belong here." She looks down, breaking eye contact. Seeing the pools gather in those eyes is enough to send her heart crashing down in her chest. Her voice cracks with her next sentence. 

"I.. just think everyone is better without me" she finally admits. She takes a long breath and regains eye contact, this time with desperation. 

"I break everything I touch. I'm no help to the village. They call me woodbreaker for a reason. I'm a disappointment to my parents and everyone. I just need to leave. That will make everything better." 

She turns to grab the door again, this time turning the handle and opening it almost half way. 


The door slams shut. Rae turns with frustration and says "Hey you are going to wake up the whole monastery!" 

"Promise you will come back"

"I don't think.." 


"Okay fine, just for you"

As Rae is about to turn away again she's stopped by someone grabbing her staff. She watches the girl wrap her purple headband around the middle of the of the wooden weapon. 


"Promise" Rae turns and goes through the door saying goodbye to everything she ever had. 

(This conversation is with her friend Shay) welcome to the angst

Temporary, will be updated soon.

Temporary, will be updated soon.


Thug Muggers in the Past 2/19/23

