

The Origin of the Alchemist known as Sorin…

Young Life….

Sorin was born to a mother that was not interested in parenthood, a traveling performer that had a passing affair with a mysterious Drow…a man who never knew he had created a life with his passing blow… Upon delivering her child on the road, she promptly deposited him on the doorstep of the orphanage in the first town she stopped in. Some may see this as a tragic backstory in the making, but to be perfectly honest Sorin never gave it much thought. He was just one of many displaced younglings, so to him this was the status quo. 

As a youngling, he showed an appetite for knowledge that the house-matrons did not know how to handle. He was constantly reading, scribbling notes on anything he could get his hands on, if he could not find paper, he’d write on tables, himself, and occasionally another child if they would stay still long enough. He was also known as a slight troublemaker. He would frequently be seen running through the streets, leaping over and diving under anything in his path to escape from the older children that he antagonized…either with his questions or with jokes that did not land well. For being a book-nerd, he was quite agile.

His sole friend in the world was Matteo, his “elder brother”. Matteo was a few years older than Sorin, and from the time Sorin started walking, Matteo was like his shadow. Catching him when he fell, trying to be a guiding light to the little boy he so loved. Matteo could never understand why Sorin struggled with rules when he was so intelligent. 

At the age of 10 summer’s, he had been apprenticed to a local Tinker. He quickly proved himself to be a fast learner and a chance encounter with a local wizard at the age of 14 earned him a scholarship to the mage’s college. This alone proved to be the divider between Sorin and Matteo, while Sorin was a budding scholar, Matteo had found religion and thought that to be the one true path…. it would be 3 years before they would see each other again.


Sorin is a 17-year-old half-elf, descended from a human mother and a Drow father. He is about 5’4” tall, has pale skin, white hair that he keeps partially tied back, and vibrant green eyes. While his coloring clearly comes from his mother, his father’s blood is shown in his tipped ears. His left eyebrow has a notch in it from a scar received in the Tinker’s workshop. (If asked he will generally come up with an epic tale of how it came to be…but realistically he didn’t pay attention when he was experimenting with a new tool and may have stabbed himself in the face.)

He is clearly not well off financially. Wearing second hand cloaks, pants held up by a rope belt, and his clothes are slightly too big for him. When he was 12 he took tools from the Tinker’s workshop and pierced his ears in several places, he then inserted hoops that he would later use alchemy to solidify. 

The only item of clothing he has ever taken pride in is his goggles. He currently has a basic pair that were gifted to him by Matteo on his 10th year at the orphanage, the day before he began his apprenticeship. He had told Sorin they would help keep things out of his eyes, but for Sorin they were the coolest thing he had ever owned. If they weren’t in actual use, they would be seen on his forehead. 

He caries 2 daggers tied to the right side of his belt. He has a satchel around his side that holds his books, quills, ink, spell components, and his scholar’s pack. 


Sorin has a dual nature. On the one hand he is a scholar and typical teenage boy. Brilliant in his studies, a magical prodigy in the eyes of his professors, and thinks himself to be funny… but there is a darkness to him that everyone near him seems to sense. He doesn’t understand why certain magics are banned within his school, all knowledge is worthwhile in his way of thinking. He’s been known to be a prankster, bordering on the verge of a sociopathic-like vengefulness when the mood strikes him. But to his friends, he is loyal to a fault. He will do anything to meet his goals and keep them safe. 

He has an infatuation with Zavari, no matter what she does, in his eyes she is lovely. (What even Sorin does not understand, is that his dark-elf blood senses the hell-fire within Ari’s bloodline and that power calls to him.)

The Child scene of Sorin’s backstory is HERE.

The Adolescent scene of Sorin’s backstory is HERE.

Temporary, will be updated soon.

Temporary, will be updated soon.


Raelle Woodmaker


Thug Muggers in the Past 2/12/23