Thanks for taking the time to take a look.

This website is mainly just a space for me to publish my work and credentials as a sort of website CV. This site is also to showcase my work and skills for any interested. So, please scroll through and take a look at my work over the years. If you have any questions about a particular piece let me know, and I’ll happily go into it with you in detail. If a piece inspires you to make something similar yourself, please feel free and let me know if I can help. If you are interested in commissioning work from me please contact me for details and pricing. If you are interesting in having my speak or lead a teaching exercise, please let me know so we can work out a good date for it. I would like to mention that the work displayed here is by no means all of my work in these fields. There is plenty of work that is either undocumented, commissioned, or pictured with other people and i want to respect their privacy in not showing them online without permission.